9 Razor-Sharp Strategies
For Building Success and Adding Zeroes to Checking Account Balance
Copyright © Dan Lok Quick Turn Marketing International, Ltd.
Posted: Monday 02:38:16 EDT
It's easy to get so caught-up
in the day-to-day obligations of
your business that you find yourself trapped in the present,
regretting the past, and with no time to worry about the future.
It's easy... and it's deadly.
Give yourself a "time
out." Pull back from where you are so that
you can get a better perspective and see where you're headed.
And while you're waiting for your own new ideas to hatch, let
me share nine of the sharpest and smartest strategies I know
for moving up the success ladder:
Strategy #1 - The Buddy System
Find a strategic business
partner who shares your objectives...
but not your business niche. You can trade leads, share marketing
info, sell package deals, etc.
Strategy #2 - Brand "You"
Brand your name and business.
Create a niche that's uniquely
yours.You can easily do this by writing articles and submitting
them to e-zines or web sites for republishing.
Strategy #3 - Going...Going...Gone!
I don't have to tell you
what a giant eBay has become. You don't
have to become an "auction house," but you can start an auction
on your web site. The type of auction could be related to the
theme of your site. You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and
bidders... and they have LOTS of friends!
Strategy #4 -The Sincerest Form of Flattery
There are dozens, probably
hundreds, of "self-help" books out
there with titles like "The Thinking Patterns of Successful
People" and "How Seven People Each Lost 100 Pounds."
popular because the best way to succeed is to model yourself
on other successful business or people. Learn how your
"heroes" got where they are and follow in their footsteps.
Strategy #5 - Be A Risk Taker, But A Smart Risk Taker
Taking a risk may be scary,
but without risk... business life
offers very few rewards. Sometimes you have to risk money to
get results. Just remember to look before you leap... and make
sure you know where you're going to land. If you're going to pay
a P.R. firm to do your marketing, for example, do a thorough
"background check" and make sure you're getting the best for
your money.
Strategy #6 - Winning Hearts and Minds
Include emotional words
in your advertisements. Use ones like
love, security, relief, freedom, happy, satisfaction, fun, etc.
Strategy #7 - That's Two Thumbs...Way Up
Ask people online to review
your web site. Positive comments or
negative, they're all good! Someone who gives positive feedback
is now a likely customer. Negative comments aren't published,
of course, but they can be used as springboards to improve your
web site.
Strategy #8 - Do What You're Good At
Too many professionals
get overloaded doing things that don't
make money and don't further business. Instead of trying to be a
one-man-band, outsource part of your workload: secretarial work,
accounting, marketing, etc. In addition to giving yourself more
time to do what you're good at, outsourcing relieves you of tax
reporting, health benefits, etc.
Strategy #9 - One From Column A, Two From Column B
Combine a product and service
together in a package deal. If
you're selling a book, offer an hour of consulting with it.
If you install roofing, offer a combination package with rain
gutters. To make the deal irresistible, the combination price
must be significantly lower than "if purchased individually."
New ideas are usually the difference between success and
failure. Remember to take a little time out of to brainstorm.
It's time well-spent!
Resource Box:
If you've been dreaming of earning mountains of money and selling
more of your product or service than ever before, then you must
grab Dan's free mini-couse: http://www.dansrant.com
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