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Business Articles
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Small Business Articles
Sealing the Deal over the Business Meal
Lydia Ramsey
Friday 7:59:39 pm
Doing business over meals is a ritual that
has existed for
centuries. Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has
long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale
or seal the deal. These business meals are essentially business
meetings. Knowledge of your product or your service is crucial
to the success of the meeting, but so are your manners.
Date: Monday 4:43 pm
Do you hear yourself saying? When
I have enough money, I'll...
When I go on vacation, I'll... As soon as I find the right partner,
Learn the five elements involved with achieving prosperity.
Date: Monday 4:45 pm
Business, non-profit and association managers are in a stronger position to succeed when they use their public relations resources in a way that alters individual perception leading to changed external stakeholder behavior. A mouthful, but true....
Tips To Test Your Internet Business Idea
Date: Sunday 1:38 pm
When people say, "My business isn't working," they often focus
on tactics.
Sometimes you have to go back to your first question: "Will this idea be effective as an online business?"
3 Great Ways To Stay Motivated At Work
Date: Friday 11:23 am
Staying motivated at work is easier than
you think when you
know what to do.
Find some of the tasks involved in starting a home-based business.
Becoming Wise - Wild & Free Writing A Successful Business Plan - Part 1 - Do It For Yourself
POSTED: Wednesday 01:19:38 EDT
Most people write a business plan when
they need to raise money.
I wonder how many business plans would actually get written if
the bankers, financers and investors did not require them? Not
too many I would expect.
9 Razor-Sharp Strategies For Building Success and Adding Zeroes to Checking Account Balance
It's easy to get so caught-up in the day-to-day obligations of your business that you find yourself trapped in the present, regretting the past, and with no time to worry about the future. It's easy... and it's deadly.
Date: Monday 02:38:16 EDT
4 Strategies for Identifying the Health of Your Home Business
Successful businesses build on their strengths, correct their weaknesses and protect against internal vulnerabilities and external threats. Learn more....
Date: Tueday 10:09 pm
Architecture of Building a Small Business
Tips to help guide you through
the architecture phase of starting your business. A blue print for success.
As a Competitive Advantage
Learn why smart entrepreneurs use shipping, and
its perceived benefits, as a competitive advantage.
Business Pricing Strategies
If business is slow,be cautious with your pricing methods. Don't
simply slash prices; instead incorporate long-term and short-term strategies
that will always complement each other.
Small Businesses Increase Revenue By Giving up Control
Why is it big businesses tend to have multiple sales channels such as third-party, b-to-b, retail and ecommerce, while small businesses usually have only one? Earn Big Business Revenue By Expanding Your Distribution. When approaching a company to sell your product or service, there needs be a win-win relationship.
Receive excerpts and reviews from E-books and other material showcased on this site. Learn from a gallery of topics in self-promotion, marketing, business planning, and much more. <<See Details>>
to Win the Advertising and Promotion Game
date: Friday 10:45pm
As a business owner, you have often entertained the question as to how much to spend and where to spend your advertising dollars. For most small business owners, these questions can add to the headaches suffered in the course of normal everyday operations of their business.
You Must Understand the Buying Habits of Your Consumers
Date: Wed 3:03 am
The toughest part of the advertising equation
is in determining
where and how to spend your advertising dollars. If you do it
wrong, you could plunk down your entire advertising budget and receive
absolutely no return on your investment.
Advertising Your Home Business on a Budget
When you are starting out
in a new home business and no one
knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face
is how to drum up new business
8 Easy Ways to Boost Credibility and Online Sales
Credibility is a big concern on the Internet. If you're selling products or services online, it's essential that potential buyers trust you. Follow these strategies to build trust with your web site.
How to Calculate ROI (Return on Investment)
Posted: Tueday 01:25:39
ROI (Return on Investment) is probably the most important calculation one needs to make to ensure the long-term viability of their business. It is not enough to build in a profit margin on the product or service being offered. One must track with proficiency the amount of dollars being invested........
Answers to the 3 Big Advertising Questions
Answer to the 3 big questions in advertising: #1 Does Advertising Work? #2 Isn't it Expensive? #3 Where Should I Advertise?
Your Ad Didn't Work--5 Common Problems and Their Quick Fixes
Ever run an ad in an ezine or newspaper and
get no response? When this happens, most people are baffled..
10 Secrets To Improving Your Website's Conversion Ratio
Date: Monday 6:31 am
According to the so-called experts, a decent conversion
ratio is right around one percent. In other words, one out
of every one hundred visitors to your website converts to a
Date: Wednesday 11:42 pm
It may sound ominous, but viral marketing is one of the best things that can happen to your business. This is one virus that you actually want to spread. It doesn't spread germs or create havoc
to Get Customers to Flock to Your Pet-Care Business
Date: Thursday 12:42 pm
You're a pet-care business owner who wants
to generate more
income. Find effective marketing tips that you can
implement for little money and only a few hours each week.
Read through them, put them to work for you and let me know
how they are working!
Increase Sales with Action Words
Date: Tuesday 6:00 pm
Motivate readers to do what you want them to do with action verbs. Give precise instructions. Tell them exactly what to do. Give them a direct order. Add an incentive or benefit to your order.
Marketing Plan Format: a worksheet
If you want to have more control over your flow of new business, you will need a plan. In fact you'll probably need more than one plan; you'll need a few plans running simultaneously. Here's a standard format to work with:
How to Make the Most of Your Business Card
Your card plays a major role in your prospect's first impression of you, and you don't often get more than one chance.
Affordable Strategies to Build a Cash Cow
Six proven low-cost marketing ideas that help small businesses increase
sales and generate referrals, ultimately helping you build your cash
cow, while spending very little.
How To Make Your Dream List A Reality
How much would you be willing to pay for a list of people who need what you have -- and know it -- and who are so close to being ready to buy that they've already made the effort to contact you? Wouldn't that be worth a lot of money? Or maybe even invaluable?
What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid
Date: Friday 3:17 pm
PLAGIARISM: Wow - what a big word, PLAGIARISM is deliberately copying someone else's work and putting your name to it....
Date: Friday 2:40 pm
A PR product or service launching is a
perfect way to build
momentum slowly. It handles the first and most important
hurdle to overcome in building a brand -- credibility.
The Perils of Nonverbal Communication
Date: Wednesday 11:21 pm
Learning the art of nonverbal
communication is vital in business. Picking up
the emotion is the first step. The second step is figuring out what's
causing it and what it's directed at.
Date: Saturday 7:07 pm
"I hate making marketing calls. I
don't know what to say and how to
say it. Do you ever feel this way? Are you frustrated by your limited
success selling on the phone? Making any of the mistakes listed takes
the fun out of your job and can kill your sales.
Five Tips to Become a Soundbite Genius
Article Date: Friday 10:56 AM
Getting key phrases for concepts and ideas across clearly is central to all communication. As a fun practice try to shave off any extraneous details during conversation in your everyday life...
Visibility, Credibility and Position Through Articles and Celebrity Testimonials
An extremely effective strategy for gaining visibility is by writing articles. This positions you as more of an expert and valuable resource rather than "just another" vendor or salesperson. This can create exciting opportunities for you and your business.
Date: Saturday 5:46 am
3 Tips For Magnetizing Your Copy
The difference between good copy and great copy is the number of actions it generates. The more actions the copy drives, the greater the copy is.
Date: Monday 6:30 pm
This short extract is from his booklet
'How to Write a Book and
Get Published' written for the "off-line" world of publishing.
The better you can describe your best customers, the more products and services you can sell. How do you do that?
How to Tell Your Story in the Media
Publicity is by far one of the most effective marketing tools at your disposal, but how do you promote yourself to the media so that they will give your growing business the spotlight it needs?
Receive excerpts and reviews from E-books and other material showcased on this site. Learn from a gallery of topics in self-promotion, marketing, business planning, and much more. <<See Details>>
Computer and Security related Articles
Updated weekly
SecurityFocus News features security-related news stories written by highly regarded SF news staff, as well as security-related news through partnerships with The Register, the Washington Post and BusinessWeek. In addition, SecurityFocus compiles daily security-related headlines from sources around the Internet.
21 Search Engine Terms Every Web Marketer Should Know Part 1.
Date: Friday 1:47am
7 search engine terms you need to know to understand the online business.
Optimize your Search Engine Placement Five Easy Ways
Date: Friday 1:47am
If you are like me, you created web site
metatags with the help
of your Web master. Maybe like me, you didn't spend time or money
submitting to search engines because you weren't techie enough.
Now you can optimize your search engine placement these five
easy, non-techie ways.
How To REALLY Get Obscene Levels of Traffic To Your Site Overnight
Date: Sunday 7:32 pm
Every online marketer dreams of having
a top 10 website on Google
and Yahoo. Unfortunately most have come to realize that no matter
how many e-books, videos, or seminars you attend traffic will still
allude you.
Ten Reasons to Market Your Business Online
Date: Friday 2:49 pm
Whatever product or service you offer, wouldn't you be willing to nurture it through the number one way to market on the Internet? Especially if you realized all the benefits? You want to market Online because.....
5 Ways to Entice Your Parallel Market to Trade Links
Date: Thurday 3:04 pm
Lots of people get confounded when attempting to exchange links, youre not alone. The people who have the spot you want are competitors. The people who don't aren't worth exchanging links with. What to do?
Ways To Destroy Your Website
Date: Thursday 6:33 pm
With all the talk of how to make a great
website and ways to keep
visitors, it is important to also understand the other side of
designing an Internet business.
Date: Thursday 2:02 pm
It may take 4 to 7 visits before your web visitors buy from you. New information, regular changes, and updates keep visitors coming back to your web site. As your visitors develop confidence in you, they will be more likely to buy your products or services. Follow these tips to keep prospects coming back, win their trust, and increase your online sales.
Plan Your Web Site for Profits
Date: Wednesday 5:35 pm
Most businesses fail to plan for online success. Knowing your purpose, audience, and uniqueness are the first steps to developing a successful web site. Follow these three steps to position your web site for Internet profits.
A 14 year old's quest to make money online with a website
The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of website your going to make. Is your website going to offer a service, is it going to have a lot of content.....
Date: Thursday 6:38 pm
The Ten Web Page "Commandments"
What makes a great web page? Every serious website operator wants to know how to create and maintain the best possible website that makes them the most money and builds the largest subscriber base! The following "commandments" represent the ideals towards which every new or existing website should strive.
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